GloBAS Engineering is an authorized distributor in the Middle East for Particleworks, a CAE software for the simulation of liquid flows based on the Moving Particle Simulation method.
Globas Engineering is happy to announce, that recently released new version of Particleworks 8 brings new models and simulations capabilities.
The multi-resolution model allows to refine the particle size in specific areas of the domain, to increase the accuracy of the simulation or, in other cases, to save simulation time by refining only where it’s needed.
An advanced solver and new viscosity laws have been introduced to improve the simulation of highly-viscous and semi-solid materials, like grease and snow.
Multi-phase simulations are now feasible by coupling the liquid flow analysis both with an embedded Finite Volume solver and with a Lattice Boltzmann solver.
Simulation of large models can be managed using the multi-GPU capabilities of Particleworks.
Passive scalar modeling, new boundary conditions for the thermal and conjugate heat transfer solvers, improvements on turbulence modeling and much more.
For the first time, Globas Engineering is hosting a special webinar in collaboration with Particleworks on the topic of Meshfree Liquid Flow Simulation on September 7th. We invite all interested participants to join us on this occasion and find out more about their activities.